Academic Prep for High School

New! Meta-Up: Academic Prep for High School – Three Day Immersive

  • $750.00 Includes Lunch
  • Week 6 ♦ August 3 – August 5 ♦ 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM ♦ Grades 9 – 10

This DE360° 3-day immersive course is designed for rising 9th & 10th grade students who wish to get a jump start on high school and review the type of preparation skills necessary for a smooth transition.

What we believe more than anything is that we don’t “empower our students to learn.” Rather we recognize that young people have the capacity to tap into their own personal agency to take action, be effective, and to assume responsibility for their academic lives. This sense of agency is essential during a student’s college prep years: to have faith in one’s ability to excel while balancing a wide range of tasks or situations. Having a sense of agency influences a student’s ability to navigate their academic life.  In this vein Marc Gladstone’s approach in Meta-Up is to guide students through a path of self discovery as they come to understand who they are as learners.  Based on the six domains of cognitive learning (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating), the Meta-Up academic prep immersive allows students to select meaningful strategies, choose how they’ll approach their school work and how to assess their own learning process. Students will leave this 3-day immersive with more confidence and awareness of the topics above, a greater understanding of what to expect in high school, as well as tips and encouragement to be an independent learner and effective self-advocate.  Each student will also (take with them) create a personalized Learning Profile and High School Planner.

Who is this for:

  • Students who may have experienced challenges in 8th grade and want to hone their skills.
  • Students with learning differences or disorders that may impact their transition to high school.
  • Students who want to gain a leg up in preparation for high school.
  • Students who need to better understand their learning profile of strengths and weaknesses – and want more strategies for success.
  • Students who need better executive skills.  This can include strategies for time management, planning and prioritizing school work, material organization and decision making.
  • Students who wish to develop self-advocacy skills.
  • Students who want to learn and better incorporate effective study habits.

Daily Sessions will include the following topics:

  • Learning Strategies for High School Success
  • Development of Individual Learning Profile of strengths, weaknesses and strategies
  • Review and Practice of Writing Process (from brainstorming to outlining to drafting to editing)
  • Active Reading Strategies
  • Note-Taking
  • Executive Functions: What are they and why they are important for school success
  • Organization and Material Management
  • Time Management and Planning
  • How to Use a Planner (paper and on-line) for daily homework and long-term projects.
  • Memory Strategies
  • Study and Test Taking Tips
  • The Importance of Sleep – the latest research!

Daily work will include classroom exercises, visual presentations, videos, collaborative opportunities and individual work and review of each student’s learning profile.

About the Facilitator

Marc Gladstone M.S.Ed

Lead Learning Specialist

He has 30 years of public and independent school experience as a teacher, learning specialist, administrator and school consultant working with students with lagging academic skills, nuanced learning differences and specific learning and attention disorders. Marc has developed and taught a semester-long workshop for 9th grade students on these topics at the Trinity School, Berkeley Carroll School, and Columbia and Grammar Preparatory School. Marc also holds New York State Certification in Special Education with a concentration in Learning Disorders.