D-E Travel Returns! Beginning with Ecuador 2023!

Ecuador 2023 | 8th Grade | March 16-26, 2023

Embark on an Ecuadorian journey! D-E students currently in Grade 8 will explore the volcanic landscapes of the Andes to see for themselves
how our planet was shaped geologically, and travel through diverse ecosystems that inspire careful observation of the natural world.

  • Students will visit the Andean sierra, a 400-year old hacienda, Cotopaxi Volcano National Park, the tropical cloud forest, and colonial Quito.
  • We will learn about the incredibly diverse wildlife and conservation efforts in the cloud forest, as well as immerse ourselves in the local indigenous culture, experiencing the convergence of pre-Columbian, Spanish, and Moorish influences that have shaped the art and architecture of the Andes.
  • Ecuador is a country rich with history and remarkable for its indigenous people, culture, and traditions. Students will be travelers, not tourists, in environments far different from home.

Cost: $4,650
Registration Deadline: November 10

A $1,500 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration.  Early registration is encouraged and allows us to guarantee D-E 360° offering as soon as enrollment is sufficient.

Prices may be adjusted for recipients of D-E financial aid.  Please contact Dr. Brown at browns@d-e.org directly to apply for a trip scholarship. 

Payment, forms, and actions needed:

  • Register into our system via CampBrain below. 
  • Submit the D-E 360° Travel Application and a $1,500 non-refundable deposit by November 10, 2022 (Checks should be made payable to Dwight-Englewood School and submitted to the D-E 360° Office in Leggett 001)
  • Final trip payment $3,150 is due January 15, 2023

About Jon Egan, Trip Leader

Jon Egan has regularly traveled to Ecuador for the past 30 years. He first had the opportunity to go in 1992 following his eighth grade year, when two of his intrepid teachers brought him and a group of his classmates for five weeks. Inspired by the experience, Jon has continued to explore South America and to learn about the ecology and history of the Andes region, and eventually began organizing and leading trips for his own 8th grade students. He hopes to pass on a love of travel and exploration. 

Jon has taught 8th grade math and science since 2006. Currently in his tenth year at D-E, he serves as an 8th grade math teacher and advisor, as well as the head coach of the Middle School Boys Basketball, Middle School Ultimate Frisbee, and Upper School Ultimate Frisbee teams. He has been leading student trips to Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, and Peru since 2011.
