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D-E 360° AfterCare and Enrichment programs are offered daily from the time of dismissal to 6:00 p.m. You choose how many or how few number of days you want your child to attend. Parents have the option of enrolling their child(ren) in the program until 6:00 p.m. Fees will be billed through the School’s SMART tuition system. See fee schedule below.


Clubhouse fees cover costs from the time of dismissal to 6:00 p.m., including all special classes, snack, and materials. Financial aid is available at the same percentage as a family’s tuition financial aid grant. Parents are billed by the Business Office each term. The following is the per term cost for 2015-2016:

  • Pre-Registration $35 per day
  • Enrichment Classes by Term $350 unless otherwise indicated
  • Drop In $45 per day

Pre-registration for enrichment classes is required; no drop-ins. The fee for an Enrichment Class or Sports Clinic is $350.00 per class/clinic per term unless otherwise indicated. The fee includes snacks and class supplies. Pre-registration is required with a minimum of 6 students for a class to commence. See class descriptions for maximum class size.

Please note: If you select an Enrichment class for your child(ren), Clubhouse will be included in the registration fee for that same day at no additional charge. For example, you will not be charged for enrolling in Clubhouse on Monday if you already have chosen the Snacktivities Enrichment class for that same day.

Adding AfterCare and Enrichment Days

Additional AfterCare and Enrichment days may be added for a prorated fee. If you wish to add AfterCare and Enrichment days, please contact Sharon Keigher, the Director of AfterCare and Enrichment at The number of days a child attends AfterCare and Enrichment can be increased at any time, but not decreased, after the deadline.

Refund Policy

A 50% fee will be charged if a student drops an Enrichment Class on or after the first week of the term per class. After that, there are no refunds. If your child is interested in taking more than one Enrichment class a term, there will be an additional fee. Fees for classes added after the beginning of the Term will be prorated.


Children should be registered in advance for D-E 360° AfterCare and Enrichment programs. However, we recognize that unexpected events happen, and we accept children without previous registration at $45 per day for coverage until 6:00 p.m. If you need to use D-E 360° AfterCare and Enrichment programs unexpectedly, please call the D-E 360° Office at 201-227-3144 and Mrs. Rullo, 201-227-3220 to advise of the change in your child’s dismissal plans. Parents may call Mrs. Rullo in the Lower School Office at any time and leave a message if there is any change regarding a child’s attendance or dismissal plans.

Late Pick-Up Fees

We strongly urge parents/guardians to be as prompt as possible in picking up their children. There is a substantial late fee ($5 per minute) for those parents/guardians arriving after the 6:00 p.m. pick-up time.
Changing AfterCare and Enrichment Days
In order to provide adequate staffing, we ask that parents commit to the day(s) of the week and/or programs for which their child will be enrolled. In other words, students enrolled in AfterCare and Enrichment on Tuesdays, can only attend on Tuesdays unless a parent submits a written request to the D-E 360° office requesting a change of day or days.

Class Make-Ups

For days in which the Enrichment classes/Clinics are cancelled due to inclement weather, we will make every effort to make up a cancelled class, but make-ups are not guaranteed.

Other Policies that Apply

Parents must be available by phone in the event that we need to reach them.
The program reserves the right not to accept a child based on his/her behavior.
If a parent is consistently late in picking up his/her child, the D-E 360° LS AfterCare and Enrichment program reserves the right to cancel the child’s registration and to prohibit the child from future participation.

The School does not provide food containing peanut or tree nut products. However, we are not able to provide a guaranteed “peanut-free” environment. To avoid serious medical problems we encourage parents of children with any food allergies to supply all snacks (food and drinks) for their children. We also strongly advise all parents not to send in any snacks that contain peanuts or tree nut-derived products.

AfterCare Withdrawals

Parents who wish to withdraw or to reduce the number of days per week for which their child is registered must notify Sharon Keigher, Director of LS AfterCare and Enrichment, in writing on or before the Term dates listed below. If the Director does not receive written notice by stated date, parents will be responsible for the entire term’s tuition amount for which they have registered their child regardless of whether or not their child attends the LS AfterCare and Enrichment program.

Past-due Balances

The AfterCare and Enrichment reserves the right to refuse admittance to families who are frequently late or who have an outstanding school balance.
Communication is important to us, not just within our environment here, but also with you, the parent. We welcome your thoughts, questions, and concerns. Any information that you share with us about your child will be confidential. If you need to contact your child while in the D-E 360° LS AfterCare and Enrichment programs, please call 201-227-3144 or email Please note that students are not allowed to use cell phones. The same rules that apply to the regular school day, as outlined in the Dwight-Englewood School handbooks, also apply to D-E 360° LS AfterCare and Enrichment programs.

Unless under the direct supervision of a caretaker, parent, or faculty member, all students who are in the building after dismissal, including those awaiting pickup for all after-school activities, will be taken, or must report themselves to the Clubhouse for supervision. Parents/Caregivers may pick up their children directly from the Clubhouse.

Drop Off

Upon dismissal, any students not under the direct supervision of a caretaker or parent must check into the Clubhouse. Fees apply. Children pre-registered for D-E 360° LS AfterCare and Enrichment programs are escorted to their classes by the course instructor or an AfterCare TA.

Pick Up

The D-E 360° LS AfterCare and Enrichment programs sign-in / sign-out system provides us with immediate visual confirmations of authorized adults. Students are not allowed to leave unless with a parent or authorized caregiver, or if they themselves have been placed on the authorized adult list by their parents. Parents must contact the D-E 360° LS AfterCare and Enrichment director if their child will be picked up by someone other than an authorized person. Your child will not be dismissed without your consent.