Letter from our Director – Week 1 Wrap-Up & Looking Ahead

Oh, What a Week We’ve Had!

We’ve had a wonderful Week 1 at D-E 360° Summer Connections 2021.

It’s incredible to see how quickly our opening week of camp has flown by. And what a terrific time we’ve had on campus. The campus of Dwight-Englewood is a pretty spectacular space, especially during summer. With the extreme heat this week as well as the rain, we are grateful for the air-conditioned buildings where we can safely spread out and continue engaging in some BOLD learning. It’s no secret that we’re in a special place. Even the local wildlife can’t resist entering the gates in the morning.

I had the joyous pleasure of observing participants throughout the campus. And I saw a lot of great things happening. I took a few photos and thought I’d share with you what I saw.

The energy of the children has been so incredible. The laughter and social engagement are a real treat to witness. Ms. Watkins’ Sounds of Summer students showed early how much joy there is in creating ensemble music. We’re looking forward to the children doing some safe sing-alongs at the end of the program during Week 6.

We have managed to balance the days with lots of outdoor activities. Participants are enjoying every part of the campus to explore, learn and make connections with one another.

Lunch provided on campus by Chef Alex and his amazing team has been a high point of each day. I overheard a group of Adventures students rating the luch a “ten.” With the diversity of options presented as well as the great flavors of freshly prepared foods, I would agree! We encourage families to continue to use Nutrislice to order lunch ahead of time. It’s the best way for our team to know what proportions they should prepare. Note that we’ve had to adjust lunch spaces over the week. We carefully monitor weather conditions and this week, we’ve been forced indoors for lunch. Our Director of Health and her team have put in place protocols for indoor eating. Please reach out to Holly Alasio if you have questions about our shift to the indoor dining.                                                   

For those students who arrive early or would like a special snack, the COOP is open in the morning for breakfast and in the afternoon with great snacks like hot chocolate chip cookies, soft pretzels, ice cream, and an assortment of beverages. The COOP, which is located in Klein next to the Dining Hall is a cash operation.

I am excited to continue next week, Week 2 of D-E 360° Summer Connections 2021. We have a lot planned, including robust on-campus field trips, special speaker visits (via zoom), and an Art & Design Showcase with Young Visionaries. Thank you for joining our very special summer community as well as your commitment to doing your part to keeping safe and healthy. We’ll continue to require daily safety checks for entry (available in the D-E 360 CampApp) to campus. Stay connected with us to share if your child is feeling unwell. We are one community and commitment to one another is important. See you soon!

Staying Connected

We have a phenomenal summer team who are available to help. Simply email us at de360info with any questions or concerns. In addition, individual program directors will be reaching out to you each week with specifics about the programs for which you are registered. Meet our Directors & Operations Team.

Be Well. Stay Healthy,

Dr. Sherronda Brown

Director of D-E 360°

Dwight-Englewood School

315 East Palisade Avenue

Englewood, NJ 07631


Email: browns

Click below for specific information about:

Adventures & Discoveries

Young Visionaries Art & Design


Junior Scholars

String Society
