Saturday FREE Workshops

[fruitful_alert type=”alert-danger”]Note: Due to ongoing concerns related to COVID-19 and to protect the health and safety of our community, all April 2020 Saturday Free Enrichment Workshops are now cancelled, but you can still register for our April 25 Summer Connections Open House via Zoom! Click here to register online today! [/fruitful_alert]

WELCOME! Our FREE Enrichment Workshops provide exciting introductions to athletics, arts, cooking, STEM, and other program offerings from D-E 360°.

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to provide learners of all ages — from Preschoolers (age 3) to adults —  with enriching opportunities to further extend learning, creativity and exploration.

Our D-E 360° program is focused on the continued development of the social-emotional and interpersonal growth of every learner, to give them tools to be successful individuals and thriving members of our community.

The Saturday Enrichment workshop are offered for free to local area residents.  We’ve partnered with a talented and passionate faculty to deliver some pretty exciting offerings.  Many of the workshop topics will also be offerings available to students who want to learn more during our 2020 Summer Connections program.  We’re looking forward to you joining us for these exciting learning experiences.

Join Our Next Set of Workshops:

[fruitful_alert type=”alert-success”]Explore courses just like these in our Summer Connections 2020 program! Click here or visit[/fruitful_alert]


Saturday, April 18, 2020

▶︎ Young Visionaries: Creative Watercolors Workshop (Grades 2-5)

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Swartley Arts Center, Limited to 18 Participants

Aspiring artists will develop their ability to draw and paint by exploring one of the most popular media – watercolor. Brush techniques and color application will be emphasized throughout the piece of art that will be produced by each participant during the workshop.

▶︎ Leadership & Community Service Workshop (Grades 6-9)

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Imperatore Library – Blackwell Room, Limited to 18 Participants

Who are you?  Do you have the right stuff to lead people?  How can we all make a difference in this world?  In your school, in your community, or places of worship, leadership and service opportunities strike us during the most unexpected times.  In this workshop, we’ll explore skills of great leadership: how to be a communicator, build a team, public speaking, and all of the tricks of the trade for effective leadership.

▶︎ STEM Challenge (Grades 5-8)

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Hajjar STEM Center, Limited to 18 Participants

This is an exciting opportunity for students to explore the resources of the newly-built Hajjar STEM Center at Dwight Englewood. Workshop participants will put their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math skills to the test. Students will be presented with a challenge at the beginning of the workshop and will work in project teams to complete a STEM challenge based on a selected theme.

▶︎ Junior Red Ball Tennis (Grades 1-5)

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM, Tennis Courts/Modell’s Sports Complex in the case of rain, Limited to 24 Participants

▶︎ Tennis Academy (Grades 6-9)

2:00 PM – 3:15 PM, Tennis Courts/Modell’s Sports Complex in the case of rain, Limited to 24 Participants

2020 marks the beginning of D-E 360° becoming an official USTA Net Generation program. For this workshop, USTA coaches will be offering tennis lessons for children of all levels and ages. Each participant will be evaluated and placed according to their age and ability. The goal of the Net Generation tennis is to allow each child to develop their tennis skills to their fullest potential. Participants will learn the basic tennis strokes, develop better coordination, learn conditioning exercises and understand the principles of sportsmanship. Come and join us on the tennis courts!


You’re Invited:

D-E 360° Summer Connections Open House Events!

▶︎ April Summer Connections Open House

April 25, 2020, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Klein – Wharton Lessin Dining Hall

Learn more about our Summer Connections programs.  We are looking forward to welcoming your family to the campus of Dwight-Englewood School on Saturday, April 25th for an interactive Open House from 1:00-3:00 PM in the Klein Campus Center Hajjar Auditorium. You will have a chance to meet our Summer Connections Directors as well as our fabulous 2020 faculty and staff before heading off for a tour, which now includes our new Middle School and the award-winning Hajjar STEM Center.

Click here to register for our D-E 360° Summer Connections Open House!



Email or call 201-227-3144.
