Dear Families,
It’s been an incredible summer to say the least as we’ve returned to campus for in-person programs. Indeed, it’s hard to accept that we’re approaching our final week of Summer Connections. We’re grateful for all the members of our very special summer community. Our faculty, staff, and SC2021 participants have made some lasting memories together.
This week was bustling with activity. We’ve enjoyed the start of the production of Seussical, JR., our school’s first live show since winter 2020. Our Discoveries and Adventures students have been exploring outer space with visits from the Buehler Challenger & Science Center and personal rocket launches from the Imaginarium space in Drapkin Hall. We wish a final farewell and hearty congratulations to Scholars and Junior Scholars students who have finished up their formal coursework, finals and special projects.
We’re happy to share with you a few examples of the work students were able to produce in the Vineyard App Camp (VAC) coding class over their five-week program. This summer, our young entrepreneurs-turned-philanthropists teamed up with non-profits to build apps to support key functions in those organizations. Check out their videos below to see how their work was built to make a difference!
- A menu app for local restaurant Dong Bong Grill, by Christopher Kim
- A Minecraft guide app, by Peter Liau
- A write-to-make-money app, by Mirabelle Vibhustien
Looking Ahead to Week 6
Discoveries and Adventures: A Closer Look at Stories of Empires
We’ll be continuing with our “Oh The Places You’ll Go” theme by taking a closer look at stories of empires – real and imagined. Our Discoveries and Adventures campers will explore non-fiction, fantasy, and sci-fi. We hope to ignite each camper’s curiosity and imagination with children’s literature, film, and theatre filled with wonder and possibility. Over the summer, we’ve been ensuring that our programs provide learners with tools and skills to help them successfully express themselves creatively as well as transition back into school in the fall. We’ve been inspired by the research which asserts that reading in all areas, but especially in speculative fiction, can build resilience in children. Check out this article from Greater Good Magazine for more information.
Seussical, JR. LIVE: Friday, August 13 at 12:30 PM
We’re all looking forward to seeing Seussical, JR. LIVE on the stage of Schenck Auditorium on Friday, August 13 at 12:30 PM. Our performers have spent weeks memorizing, blocking, rehearsing, practicing and perfecting their moves. No matter the experience level, they’re determined to make this show their greatest performance. We’ll be approaching the performance with COVID safety precautions in place. The audience in Schenck will be limited to household family members of the performers. All other members of our summer community will be able to enjoy the performance in separate spaces around campus. More details will be shared as we get closer to the show. Note: For those students in the cast and crew, the Director, John Giresi, will be sending out a revised schedule that may include some extended rehearsal time for next week – stay tuned!
Be Amazing Seussical T-shirt Order
Let’s support our young thespians by purchasing a show t-shirt – see design. It would be fantastic for them to share in everyone’s enthusiasm for the show when they look around to see fellow campers, friends and family wearing the shirt. Click here to order a Be Amazing Seussical t-shirt. The cost is $20 per shirt. If you choose to make a purchase (and we hope you do…), your account will be charged through CampBrain. All orders must be made by Tuesday, August 10.
FREE Family Fun: D-E 360° Summer Tennis Invitational
We’ve had a phenomenal summer of tennis on the campus of Dwight-Englewood School and wish to highlight all the skills learned with a Family Tennis Fest and Tournament on Saturday, August 14. Spaces are limited, so register soon. There are three exciting parts to this event: FREE Family Tennis Fest, USTA Sanctioned Greenball Tournament and a Tennis Racquet Drive. Click here for more information and to register.
Have an Amazing Weekend!
Sherronda Brown
Director of D-E 360°
Dwight-Englewood School
315 East Palisade Avenue
Englewood, NJ 07631
Email: browns@d-e.org
For more iInformation about upcoming programs, click links below:
Seussical, JR. Musical Theatre Production
USTA Sponsored Tennis Fest – Saturday, Aug 14, 2021
Reminders About Coming to Campus
Enter the 81 Lincoln Street Gate by the Guard House. Note that for the health and safety of everyone, the wearing of masks is required on campus at all times. Families will also be required to show evidence of having completed a required COVID Daily Screening. See the Getting Started Guide for more information.
Staying Connected
We have an enthusiastic summer team who are available to help. Simply email us at de360info@d-e.org with any questions or concerns. In addition, individual program directors will be reaching out to you each week with specifics about the programs for which you are registered. Meet our Directors & Operations Team.
For a web version of this note, go to: https://de360.d-e.org/summer-notes/