D-E SC is ACA Accredited!

D-E Summer Connections is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA)!  This means we have met more than 300 standards for health, safety and programming quality.  Accreditation by the ACA is a voluntary yet rigorous process.  To learn more visit www.acacamps.org.

COVID Prep Checklist: CDC Recommendations for Day Camps

Cater To You (CTY) Food Service on Campus: This year’s fees include the provision of snacks and lunch daily. Note: Food may not be ordered from off campus restaurants or services. To protect participants from the risk of contracting COVID, the campus will be closed to visitors throughout the program day, including food delivery services.

The AfterCare Program is offered to campers in Pre-K through Grade 8 daily from 1:30 to 4:30. Students enjoy a nutritious snack, planned and organized sports and activities, and the use of our library facilities. With a lot of fun activities, the kids will be kept creatively engaged. And to keep our campers safe, we’ve devised some fun themed outdoor activities just for The Explorers Club (*Note: participants divided by age/grade level).